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Der Vorstand der Frauengruppe (Bund) – kurz Bundesfrauenvorstand (BFV) - setzt sich zusammen aus dem fünfköpfigen Geschäftsführenden Bundesfrauenvorstand (GBFV) sowie aus den von den Frauengruppen der Landesbezirke und der Bezirke Bundespolizei | Zoll und Bundeskriminalamt jeweils entsandten Vertreterinnen.
This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen.